Richard. J. (Dick) Haynes | The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

Professor Haynes works in the areas of soil and environmental science. His present research interests are in the use and recycling of industrial, agricultural and municipal wastes and minimising their effects on the environment. He has extensive experience having worked as both an applied research scientist and as a university professor and has worked in New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. He has published over 170 original research papers in international journals, over 20 review papers in international volumes as well as many conference and extension papers and contract reports. He has been an invited keynote speaker at 7 international conferences and has served on the editorial board of 4 international research journals. He has acted as principal supervisor and co-supervisor of PhD, MSc and honours students in both South Africa and Australia. Professor Haynes has carried out research in commercial horticultural, pastoral, arable and forestry production as well as in small-holder semi subsistence agriculture. He has also worked on bioremediation of soils contaminated with organic pollutants, rehabilitation of mined sites, application of organic and inorganic wastes to soils and the effects of heavy metal contaminants on soil processes. His research has been mainly in the areas of applied soil chemistry and soil microbiology/biology with links to soil physical properties and to pollution of air and water. He has specialised in working on applied problems and maintains strong links with industry. Major areas of research have included the role of grazing animals in the fertility of pastoral soils, N cycling and gaseous and leaching losses from arable and pastoral systems, soil quality and soil degradation under agricultural land use, effects of soil contaminants on soil processes, rehabilitation and remediation of contaminated, degraded and mined sites and use of wastes as soil amendments.

Speech title "Production of engineered soils – a sustainable use for industrial wastes"

Abstract-Engineered soils are materials created to perform like, or develop into, topsoil. They are typically manufactured by mechanically blending organic waste materials with inorganic wastes. They represent a bulk use for industrial and municipal wastes which would otherwise accumulate in the environment. Because of the shortage and cost of fertile topsoil, manufactured soil products are increasingly being used for landscaping (public gardens, parklands, sports and recreational areas and for roadside vegetation). In addition, during rehabilitation and revegetation of wasteland, brownfield sites and mined areas topsoil manufacture can be an important strategy. Composted municipal green waste is typically the major component of engineered soils. Green waste is produced in larger amounts in most modern cities and most of this is usually composted. Small amounts (e.g. 10-30%) of mineral material (e.g. sand, rock crushing grit, subsoil) are typically added to the composted material. Other inorganic products that have been added include fly ash (a waste of coal-fired power stations), water treatment residuals (a waste product of drinking water treatment) and blast furnace slag. A major difference between natural soils and typical engineered soils is that manufactured soils are principally composed of organic materials (e.g. > 80% composted green waste) compared with natural soils which are composed of approximately 90% inorganic mineral material and 10% organic matter. The use of a greater proportion of inorganic material (i.e. 50% or greater rather than 20%) and the use of inorganic materials that have chemically reactive surfaces (that would react with and stabilize added organic matter) would result in the formation of a more “topsoil like” material. Industrial wastes that are produced in large volumes and tend to accumulate in storage areas close to their production such as blast furnace slag, steel furnace slag, fly ash, water treatment residuals and bauxite residue could all be used. Bulk uses these wastes are required. Recent research has shown a soil produced from 90% acidified bauxite residue and 10% compost is a stable product that can support excellent plant growth.



Muharrem Kemal OZFIRAT | Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Ozfirat has graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Department of Mining Engineering in 1998. He has earned his BSc and PhD degrees from the same department in 2001 and 2007 respectively. He has earned Associated Professor Degree in 2013 and Professor Degree in 2023. He has been serving as the director of Dokuz Eylül University Vocational School located in Bergama for the past two years. Due to the high wind potential in the Bergama region, he has been working on wind energy for the past year. His research focuses on the contribution of Bergama Wind Power Plants to Turkey's overall energy consumption.
Prof. Dr. Ozfirat has conducted significant studies in the fields of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, excavation mechanics in mining, rock mechanics, underground mining production methods, mining machines, fuzzy logic, risk analysis and work safety and sustainable development. He has presented his work at numerous national and international conferences. His publications have made important contributions to Turkey's goals of increasing energy diversity and security. He believes that the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources is of strategic importance for Turkey.

Speech title "Contribution of Bergama Wind Power Plants to Turkey's General Energy Consumption"

Abstract- Wind energy plays a significant role in Turkey’s efforts to diversify its energy sources and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. This study investigates the contribution of seven wind power plants located in the Bergama district of İzmir to Turkey's total energy consumption in 2023. Wind energy accounts for 10.4% of Turkey’s 326.3 TWh electrical energy consumption in 2023, with Bergama’s wind plants contributing notably to this share. The total energy produced by these plants in 2023 was 1.259 million kWh, representing 0.26% to 2% of İzmir’s and 0.01% to 0.13% of Turkey’s national energy consumption, respectively.
Introduction: Wind power is a crucial renewable resource essential for sustainable development and a cleaner environment. It provides an economical alternative to depleting fossil fuels, meeting the increasing energy demand. Turkey aims to elevate its renewable energy share from less than 10% to 30% by 2023, leveraging its geographical advantages for exploiting wind, solar, hydroelectricity, and geothermal power.
Methodology: The study involved a detailed analysis of the annual production data from seven wind power plants in the Bergama region between 2018 and 2023. Secondary data were sourced from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and interviews with plant operators. Statistical tools such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS were utilized to organize, process, and analyze the data.
Results: The analysis revealed that the Bergama wind power plants produced approximately 1.26 billion kWh of energy in 2023. This production contributed 6.11% to İzmir’s total energy consumption and 0.38% to Turkey’s national consumption. The Bergama Wind Plant was the highest contributor, with a notable 2% of İzmir’s consumption and 0.13% of national consumption.
Discussion: The findings highlight the significant role of wind energy in Turkey’s energy strategy. The Bergama wind power plants not only contribute substantially to local and national energy matrices but also underscore the potential for further investments in wind energy to enhance energy security and sustainability.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates the critical impact of Bergama's wind power plants on Turkey's energy landscape. By exploiting its wind energy potential, Turkey can achieve strategic goals in energy diversification and reduced fossil fuel dependence. The results advocate for continued investment in wind energy to support sustainable development and energy independence.




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